Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Native American Video

The video we watched today relating to the Native Americans symbolized many different ideas. They were playing music and dancing, no words, just sounds and movement. What I took from this video was they were creating their own entertainment, making their own fun. It was their way of connecting with nature and the world around them. Comparing this to the greatest theatre video we watched, shows how over time how quickly music and performance has developed. Theatre, music, dancing, singing, etc was a way of self entertainment before all this technology we have today was created. The world of entertainment has developed into a completely different idea than what it originally was but it's amazing to see the way it started off to compare it to now. The Native Americans were the start of an ongoing idea, a way of entertainment with little to no help from anyone or anything.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Multimedia-Cuero Video

After viewing this video, there were many concepts that stood out to me to take in. With the mindset Cuero had, it teaches you to believe in yourself no matter what you have. He says creativity is how to pursue nature, that everything comes from nature. Everything in todays society comes from technology and no interaction.  In my everyday life I should never doubt myself because I think as long as I put in full effort, I did all that I was capable of doing. Cuero says, "every step of the way causes every outcome." This is one of my favorite things he said because I always have the mindset that everything happens for a reason and each decision you make, is the step by step guide to your life.

The video overall was knowledgable and gave many great pointers on how to go about your life. People choose to stress and overwhelm themselves when they hit a rough patch in life. Everyone goes through something, but there is a reason that "something" happened. Every little thing that happens to you is supposed to even when it seems like the world is against you. Just because someone doesn't have all the money in the world doesn't mean their life will go no where in the future. Cuero was a perfect example to talk about the gift of life and how his life played out. Being afraid of failure is an example of failure in itself. Coming from nothing and going to points beyond, takes risk which is what creates success.


Hi, my name is Maddie and I love spending as much of my free time as I can at the beach. Coming to Florida from New Jersey was what I've wanted to do since I started high school. Tampa has been my top choice to go to since I was a freshman. I'm excited to see what this class will teach me! I expect to learn a lot of new and interesting things over this course that I never expected.