Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Robot Opinion

I feel as though the idea of robots can be very helpful and are super high tech. I think there are a lot of downsides though, robots can become so powerful to gain more power than us. They could be mean to their creaters, like in the video we watched it was mentioned that "Jewel" the robot can be mean to us if he isn't treated right. These robots are even mistaken as real people which can totally creep people out. I don't think the creation of robots is exciting at all, I have always thought they were strange and now that they are being worked on more in today's generation, worries me. People are only going to lose their jobs because robots are being made do their tasks. The creation of "Sophia" has become the most high tech robot that is in creation. During her creation though it was said that she said she was going to destroy humans. As silly as it sounds, robots can easily gain this much power before we even realize it. So much work is put into them and before the constructor even realizes, they are way more knowledgeable than anticipated. For example, if robots began to be drivers for businesses or even fly planes, I bet many people would be terrified to get on a plane not even having a real human driving. Nearly 80% of people are worried about robots taking their jobs. I am not a fan of the idea of robots becoming a bigger deal, I feel like it wouldn't go as well as planned.

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